Prof. Tom Meyer teaching BS361 The Book of Proverbs, starting January 9th - Enroll now!

Beginning Monday, Jan. 9, 2023 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Join The Bible Memory Man, Prof. Tom
Meyer, as he guides you verse by verse through Proverbs, the Bible’s book of wisdom, which is the
greatest book on human nature ever written. The class combines Dr. Meyer’s research,
memorization, and higher education in the Holy Land to reveal fascinating insights and explanations
on the book of Proverbs. You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to have weekly personal
interaction with The Bible Memory Man as you study God’s word together and grow in the grace
and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Meyer, as he guides you verse by verse through Proverbs, the Bible’s book of wisdom, which is the
greatest book on human nature ever written. The class combines Dr. Meyer’s research,
memorization, and higher education in the Holy Land to reveal fascinating insights and explanations
on the book of Proverbs. You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to have weekly personal
interaction with The Bible Memory Man as you study God’s word together and grow in the grace
and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For more information call Shasta Bible College at 1-800-800-4SBC or email Faith McCarthy at
[email protected] Interested in a Verse by Verse Guide to Proverbs, written by Tom Meyer? You can purchase it on Amazon by clicking the button below: |
Tom Meyer's Website: |
Tom Meyer's YouTube Channel: |